Student Scores Data Analysis


This Python project focuses on the analysis of student scores using a dataset containing various attributes such as gender, ethnic group, parent education, lunch type, test preparation, parent marital status, sports practice, birth order, number of siblings, transport means, weekly study hours, and scores in math, writing, and reading.

Dataset Loading

The project begins with the loading of the dataset, "student_scores.csv," using the Pandas library. The dataset is then examined to identify its structure and content.

Data Cleaning

The cleaning process involves handling missing values, removing an unnamed column, and correcting values in the "WklyStudyHours" column. The dataset's statistical summary and the count of missing values are explored to ensure data integrity.

Data Analysis


This data analysis project provides valuable insights into various factors influencing student scores, such as gender distribution, parental education, marital status, and ethnic group. The visualizations and statistical analyses contribute to a better understanding of the dataset, aiding in drawing meaningful conclusions about the relationships between different variables and academic performance.

Project Explanation