This Tableau project delves into the comprehensive analysis of British Airways reviews, utilizing two primary datasets - 'ba_reviews' containing detailed review information, and 'countries' providing additional country-specific details. The aim is to offer an insightful exploration of customer sentiments and performance metrics across various dimensions.
The project commences with the integration of the two datasets based on a common column, 'country,' establishing a robust foundation for a holistic analysis. This amalgamation enriches the review data with additional geographical insights.
A dynamic parameter is introduced, enabling users to select from a range of review categories such as overall rating, food quality, entertainment, seat comfort, and more. This user-driven parameterization allows for a personalized exploration of data.
A dynamic line chart illustrating the average chosen parameter over time (monthly). This provides a temporal perspective on how specific aspects of the airline service evolve.
An interactive map chart showcasing the chosen parameter's average across different countries. This enables users to identify regional trends and disparities in customer reviews.
A dual bar chart offers a comprehensive comparison between different aircraft models based on the selected parameter. Users can assess the performance of each aircraft type side by side.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as average rating, food quality, entertainment, etc., provide at-a-glance summaries of overall performance. Slicers, including month, traveler type, seat type, continent, and aircraft, empower users to filter and focus on specific subsets of data for more targeted insights.
The project prioritizes user interaction and customization. Users can dynamically alter the chosen parameter, apply filters through slicers, and tailor the visualizations to their specific areas of interest.
Through this Tableau dashboard, stakeholders gain actionable insights into customer preferences, geographical variations, and aircraft performance. The project aims to facilitate data-driven decision-making for British Airways by providing a nuanced understanding of customer feedback.
In conclusion, this Tableau project seamlessly integrates data from diverse sources, employs dynamic visualizations, and leverages user-friendly features to present a comprehensive analysis of British Airways reviews. The interactive nature of the dashboard ensures that stakeholders can derive valuable insights tailored to their specific areas of interest, contributing to enhanced strategic decision-making within the airline industry.