Bike Purchases Data Analysis


The objective of this project is to analyse the factors influencing bike purchases among a dataset of individuals. Using Excel, we have created a dashboard that provides insights into the demographics, behaviours, and characteristics of individuals who have bought bikes and those who have not.


The dataset consists of the following columns:

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:

Dashboard Components:

Column Chart: Average Income by Gender and Bike Purchase Status

Line Chart: Bike Purchases by Age Bracket

Line Chart: Commute Distance vs. Bike Purchases


Dashboard Interaction:

As users make selections on the slicers, the dashboard dynamically updates to reflect the filtered data. Charts adjust to display insights specific to the selected marital status, number of children, and region, allowing for a deeper exploration of bike purchase patterns.


The Excel dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of bike purchases based on various demographic and behavioural factors. It offers actionable insights for marketers, policymakers, and businesses to understand consumer preferences and tailor strategies accordingly. The interactive nature of the dashboard enhances user experience and facilitates data-driven decision-making.

Project Explanation